Utilisations and Implications of Technology in Education


  • A.RAJA Research Scholar, Department of English, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan.
  • Dr.Deepak Kumar Shrivastava Associate Professor of English, Department of English, Sunrise University,Alwar, Rajasthan.


Technology, Education, Students, Educators, Useful solutions


Technology is incredibly significant in our lives and greatly facilitates and expedites our jobs. It is the mother of all civilizations, arts, and sciences, and it has undoubtedly impacted the way we live. It also has a significant impact on all aspects of life. The use of educational technology in the classroom is expanding as a result of the change brought about by technology in the field of education. Students from the next generation are prepared to use the latest technologies. Many educators and students are convinced that technology can improve language acquisition. Anywhere, at any moment, they can learn anything. It's a means to promote lifelong learning and knowledge sharing by extending learning beyond the confines of the classroom. The study is an attempt conceptually to investigate the new functions of technology in education. The study demonstrates how the use of new technology fosters learning transformations and enhances learners' capacity for speaking, reading, and writing in their native tongues. Through the use of new technologies in English instruction, the study offers useful solutions to educators and students.                                                   


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