The plight of octogenarian women in daisy Rockwell’s Tomb of Sand


  • P. Palani Bharathi PG & Research Department of English, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli – 620020
  • Dr. A.G. Nihal Basha PG & Research Department of English, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli – 620020
  • Dr. Y. Parvas Sharif PG & Research Department of English, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli – 620020


Octogenarian, Borders, Appraisal, Wall, Aging, Languages.


The Octogenarian refers to the old people between the age of 80 and 89. It is also called the  golden age for them. The Novel Tomb of Sand is a translated version which was first  published in Hindi as ‘Ret Samadhi’ by Geetanjali Shree in 2019. After this publication  Daisy Rockwell translated this novel and was also awarded the Booker prize in 2022.These  both authors are famous for their writings on Feminism. This novel is about the  Plight/Sufferings about a character Ma throughout the novel. It refers to how she overcomes  those fears and succeeds in her life. This is a South-Asian Fiction. In this novel it is forced that there is some borderline between the words of languages. ‘Ma’ is referred to as Wall in  this Novel. She is referred to as the wall because Ma is the only character who always helps  everyone and she is referred to as a sacrificing woman. She used to sacrifice her happiness  for their children's love and for their happiness. Wall is that Ma is the wall and she protects  her childrens from all the evils it is referred to as. At the end of the novel, she used to break  that wall and come back to her life and wanted to live her life like a bird which is flying high  in the sky.


Rockwell, Daisy. Tomb of Sand, Penguin Books 2022, Printed at Thomas Press India Ltd, New Delhi.

Armstrong Nancy’s Googl Books- Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel

Tomb of Sand, by Shree Geetanjali’s book reviews

